Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Who is Jesus #39 (Savior Cont.)

Two men, who have become very dear brothers, and I are in a very intense study of discipleship. Our time together this week will be around the story that has come to be known as "The Prodigal Son." We find this in Luke 15:11-32.
The son found salvation, but what was he saved from? He pridefully strolled up to his father and demanded what was rightfully his, but it wasn't his yet - for his Father was still alive. He got what he asked for and went away and lost it all. He found himself in the pig pen wishing he could eat what the pigs were eating. A most telling phrase is found in verse 17, "when he came to his senses." Another version will say, "He came to himself."
This young man needed saving from himself - his pride - his arrogance - his attitude - his decisions. I do, too. My pride gets in the way and paves the way for sin to enter my life. Sin finds a seat at my table because I think I know a better way - a better way than the Savior's way.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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