Friday, March 25, 2005

Who is Jesus #37 (Savior Cont.)

I wonder if, because it sounds like a spiritually neat thing to do, If I have ever invited Jesus in without really listening to what He has to say. Yeah, kind of "hang" in His company to make pseudo-spiritual impressions on people. Wow, "he's such a Jesus person!"
When in reality I didn't/don't listen to what He has to say.
I guess Zacchaeus could have done that. "O.K., Jesus. If you insist on going home with me, let's go and get it over with." It would probably be good for the neighborhood to have you around. We'll be making all the "right" noises, but as soon as you leave, things will get back to normal."
For the Savior to do the Saving, He must reach my heart. Then, and ony then, will salvation come to my house.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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