Friday, February 25, 2005

Who is Jesus #21 (Bread Cont.)

666 - a bad number. A sinister number. An evil number. There is a verse in the Bible with that number - John 6:66. I wonder if that was an accident or not, that the number of this verse is 666?? That verse says, "From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him." What a bad, sinister, evil verse!
They got up and walked away from the table! The BREAD OF LIFE was right there in front of them. Not only did they refuse to partake and indulge, but they left.
I remember as kid the only time I left the table while my plate was still full was when my parents told to me to "leave the table" because of something I had said or done. Usually that was followed with applying the board of education to the seat of the problem. Beyond those occasions, when a full plate was in front of me, I ate.
My heart cries out to these people in John 6. "Don't get up from the table!" "Your bread is served and ready to eat."
Of course, my thoughts then turn to my own life and how I have gotten up and left the table while the bread of life was served fresh and piping hot. I guess I thought I had something more important to do than partake. Maybe I thought I didn't need it or it wasn't for me. Hum - I might have even thought there was better bread - bread easier to swallow - somewhere else. What a fool I was!
Don't leave the table when the bread of life is being served!

Be Strong and Courageous,


Thursday, February 24, 2005

Who is Jesus #20 (Bread Cont.)

A little rambling here - which is usual. The model prayer - the prayer Jesus gave the apostles when they asked him, "Lord, teach us to pray..."(Luke 11:2). What a simple yet powerful yet all inclusive prayer!
In the middle of this prayer is "give us our daily bread"(Luke 11:3). For some of the people Jesus was talking to, they probably didn't know where their bread for the next day was coming from. Jesus says to pray for daily bread - bread for the day at hand - bread for the moment - not tomorrow's bread, but today's bread and God will provide.
Now, add to that thought the fact that Jesus is the bread of life - the bread that came down from heaven. How about a daily dose of Jesus? Sometimes I look too far ahead even with the bread from heaven.
Jesus, I need you today and right now. I need you today in my life and I have faith that you will be there tomorrow.
Give me this day my daily bread. I don't know what tomorrow may bring but I need Jesus right the middle of my today -- and God has promised that He will be right there.
Thanks to my brothers in the Lord, Richard and Greg, for this thought. May God bless both of you, today, with His daily bread.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Who is Jesus #19 (Bread Cont.)

Hunger drives me to eat. If I am hungry and can't eat, it frustrates me and makes me uncomfortable, irritable, and unhappy. I have been told that if a person goes without food long enough that the hunger pains go away. Your body tries to sustain itself from its internal resources. I don't like to feel hungry. If I am, I try to satisfy the hunger as soon as possible. I hunger for nourishment.
The bread of life is available to satisfy my deepest inner spiritual hunger.
What did Jesus have in mind when he said, "You're blessed when you have worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat." (Matthew 5:6 The Message)? There is a hunger that is built into our makeup - our very being. It is a hunger and thirst for God. It is a hunger that only God can satisfy. It is a good hunger. It is a hunger that keeps us looking and moving in the right direction. It is also a hunger that, if continually ignored, will go away. The godly prodding will cease. Then where will we find nourishment? "...hunger and thirst after righteousness" and you will be filled!

Be Strong and Courageous,


Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Who is Jesus #18 (Bread Cont.)

Last night, my wife prepared a wonderful meal. We had roast made out of a pork tenderloin that she slow-cooked all day long with just the right blend of spices. It was so tender it just fell apart in my plate. Along side that was green beans. She has started roasting green beans in the oven. Again, toss on the right spices and stick them in a shallow pan in the oven for a few minutes and you have green beans like you have never had before. We also had a nice tossed salad. It was a great meal and it was Atkins friendly.
It wouldn't have made any sense for my wife to have prepared such a good meal, put it on the table in front of me and for me not to partake. All kinds of excuses come to mind. "The meal looks good, dear, but I am really too busy to eat it" "As good as it looks and smells, it is not really what I was expecting or anticipating, so I'm not going to eat it." "We had this same meal a couple of months ago, I remember how it was then, so I don't need to eat it tonight." Ridiculous!
How many times in my life do I push the "Bread of life" aside with similar excuses? God worked his miraculous will to bring "bread" to the table at just the right time in all it's/His wonder and splendor. It couldn't have been done any better. It's right there before me. I am too full of excuses which keep me from being full of Him. Thanks for the bread, Father, I will eat now.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Monday, February 21, 2005

Who is Jesus #17 (Bread Cont.)

Maybe this is oversimplification. The manna was there - provided by God - so, Israel, eat it! That's what it is there for. Don't talk about it. Don't just look at it. Don't analyze it. Just partake of what God has given to you. You didn't have to work for it. You don't deserve it. Just eat!
No doubt where this is going. I have the bread of life, too -- much better than what the Israelites were given. I sit around and talk about it/Him, analyze it/Him, discuss it/Him, read about it/Him, forget about it/Him, rationalize it/Him, and legalize it/Him. Some of that is O.K. but, God provided my bread of life for me to partake. It's past time! 'Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you,"'(John 6: 53). The bread is there - eat - indulge - partake - live! Would you join me, please?

Be Strong and Courageous,


Friday, February 18, 2005

Who is Jesus #16 (Bread cont.)

"No one is to keep any of it (manna) until the morning,"(Exodus 16:19). Verse 20 informs us that "some of them paid no attention" and "they kept part of it until morning, but it was full of maggots and began to spoil." They had been told how much to gather and what they gathered would be enough. "He who gathered much did not have too much, and he who gathered little did not have too little," (Verse 18). God's daily care was perfect - exactly what was needed. That was the physical bread from heaven.
Jesus - perfect - exactly what we need for everyday living one day at a time. He is sufficient. What more do we need? He came at exactly the right time and exactly the right place for exactly the right reason to obtain the right results.
Now, where our comparison with manna breaks down is that you can't get enough of Jesus. As a matter of fact "spoilage" occurs when we limit our intake of Jesus. Our life turns grey and smelly when Jesus is not a part of it.
Have you had your healthly helping of the spiritual bread of life today? Take it all in! Don't live one moment without Him!

Be Strong and Courageous,


Thursday, February 17, 2005

Who is Jesus #15 (Bread cont.)

"When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor," (Exodus 16:14). In order to see the provision of the Lord, the Israelites would have to wait for the dew to clear. Then, and only then, could they clearly see what God had provided for them and take advantage of the blessing.
To see our bread from heaven, Jesus, we have to let things clear, also. We have to get rid of our preconceptions or misconceptions of who He is. We may have to ignore what other people say about Him. It may be like the blind man that Jesus healed who at first could only see "something that looked like trees walking around (Mark 8:24)" when he saw people, but ultimately Jesus made him to where he could see clearly.
There is so much that "fogs" and "clouds" the picture. We don't get the clearest view of Jesus that we can because of so much interference.
Let's focus in on the bread of life - see Him for who he clearly is - and then take advantage of the blessing.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Who is Jesus #14 (Bread cont.)

Manna - every day - like clockwork. Exodus 16 records the promise and the regulations regarding the manna. Every morning it would be there. On the sixth day, enough could be gathered for both the sixth and seventh days so the nation of Israel would not have to gather any on the Sabbath and keep that day holy before the Lord.
There was no need in gathering too much because the excess would spoil. Beyond that, they didn't need to gather more than they needed for the day. What they needed was to have faith that tomorrow's provision of manna would be there just as God promised. God didn't need any help here. He was the provider -- daily provider. The daily bread was always there and what God provided was enough.
I hope I don't miss the application here. Jesus is my daily bread -- provided by God. He is there every day in every way in every situation. This is the promise.
I don't have to (and I can't) make it on my own. I can go to Him and He is there. God said so and I can rely on that. That will be enough.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Who is Jesus #13 (Bread cont.)

Recovering from the flu or a flu-like virus today. Still a little droopy but I think I will live.
The Jewish people couldn't imagine a day without bread. It was a staple. It was part of every meal. When Jesus did His "multiply the food" miracle he used the lunch of a little boy consisting of fish and bread. They couldn't imagine a day without bread. It wouldn't be a normal day without bread. It wouldn't be a good day without bread.
I wonder if we feel the same way about our "bread of life." It is just not a normal day without it/Him. I don't want a day without Him. It would not be a good day without Him. I have come to depend on that daily bread. It gives me spiritual sustenance for the day.
How about you? There's plenty to go around! Help yourself!

Be Strong and Courageous,


Friday, February 11, 2005

Who is Jesus #12 (Bread cont.)

In the context of John 6, the Manna of the Old Testament was brought up. The people reminded Jesus (as if He needed reminding) that Moses (Jesus corrects them here - it was God) provided Manna (bread) for the Israelites in the wilderness.
What do we know about this manna?

1. The word manna means "what is it?"
2. It was provided for them every morning.
3. When the dew dried up the manna would appear.
4. When the sun came up the manna would melt away.
5. The Israelites were to gather only enough for that day's needs.
6. They were to gather two days worth on Friday in order to not work on the Sabbath.
7. Any unused extra that was gathered would spoil.
8. That that was held over from the sixth day to the sabbath did not spoil

The manna that God provided the Israelites was an example of His daily care for His people. Jesus claims that He is now the bread sent from heaven by God for the provision of His people. It seems that the Jews of His day didn't want to hear it. Why would they not want to take advantage of this blessing from God?
We will have to explore that further.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Thursday, February 10, 2005

Who is Jesus #11 (Bread)

Surely everything that could be said about Jesus as Immanuel has not been said, but now bread is on my mind. Bread - a basic food. However, it is something I cannot eat at this time because I am doing the Atkins thing. I miss bread - especially hot dinner rolls. I am getting used to eating "bunless" hamburgers.
Jesus, in John 6, claims to be bread from heaven (41), the bread of life (35), the bread of God (33) and living bread (51).
I want to do some thinking about bread - not dinner rolls, hamburger buns or cornbread (all of which I love) but I want to explore all of the aspects of Jesus being "bread" in upcoming blogs.
Bread for the Jews was a staple. It was a part of every meal and at times it may have been the meal. Among the poor, daily bread was just that - daily. The man of the house would earn money enough to buy bread for the next day.
Bread meant sustenance. If there was no bread it meant there was no means to get it.
Are there other ways these jews might relate to Jesus' teachings on the "Bread of life?" How does it relate to us?
It will be worth exploring.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Who is Jesus #10 (Immanuel cont.)

"And they will call His name Immanuel which means 'God with us'" So, what does that mean to me personally?
1. God wanted to live and walk among His people as they went about their daily lives.
2. Everything that Jesus did and said in during His ministry was a demostration of the actions and speech of God.
3. God himself knows what it is that we are dealing with and struggling with each day because He himself has been there and done that.
4. WWJD (what would Jesus do?) beomes a little easier to handle because we saw God in action on this earth.
5. Gathering us, His people, under His wings was/is something God Himself wants to do.
6. It means that in my daily struggles, God is there to pick me up and carry me.
7. It means He is the bond that keeps me connected to fellow disciples.

What a blessing of blessings to have God with us. Thank you, Jesus.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Who is Jesus #9 (Immanuel cont.)

What if God didn't want to be among us? Bad news -- really bad!
I can think of a time when He withdrew His presence from His people. Read Ezekiel 9:3; 10:4; 10:18-19; 11:22. Ezekiel saw, in his vision, the Glory of the Lord - step by step - gradually being taken away. The Glory of the Lord had presented itself above the mercy seat over the Ark of the Covenant. Ezekiel sees that glory remove itself from there and move to the threshold of the temple. From there it moved to above the cherubim. The last we see is the Glory of the Lord leaving the temple and city entirely and stopping on the mountain east of the city. God was GONE!
This was to symbolize to Ezekiel and the Israelites that God was no longer with them. We know the history here. The nation was taken captive into Babylon for 70 years.
That would be only one of the ramifications/curses of not having God with them. Their beautiful city would be overrun and the temple destroyed.
Life would be different without God. That's the point. I don't want to live without Him! Though I fear Him, I need Him in my life.
He has paved the way for His presence in our lives through the blood of Jesus. Don't be like the nation of Israel and invite Him to leave - for He just might do it.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Monday, February 07, 2005

Who is Jesus #8 (Immanuel cont.)

O.K. - back to the concept of Immanuel and God being with us - which still blows me away when I think about it.
It occurred to me over the weekend (remember no blogging on Sat. and Sun) that we see Jesus among us at the end of the New Testament just as he was announced as God with us at the beginning of the New Testament.
John saw Him in the book of Revelation. He saw Him in a way that he had never seen Him before. Revelation 1: 17 says that when John saw him he .."fell at this feet as though dead." We will explore this amazing manifestation that John witnessed in future blogs.
As John turned to see the source of the voice that said, "write" he saw that the voice came from one (like the son of man) among the seven golden lampstands.
The seven golden lampstands were symbols for the churches (Rev. 1:20). So, where is it that we see Jesus? He is right there among His churches. He was prophesied to be "God with us." He was God among the people during His ministry; and now, as the New Testament closes out, we see Him still among His people, His body, the church.
That sight sent John to the ground. How do you react to the thought - the reality - of God/Jesus among us today? He is still with us today, you know!

Be Strong and Courageous,


Friday, February 04, 2005

Who Is Jesus? (Immanuel int.)

I will put the Immanuel series of blogs on hold for the moment. Today my thoughts about who Jesus is are going in several different directions. I am with about 60 Christian men at the foot of Sierra Blanca just outside Ruidoso, NM.
I am learning about Jesus through their experiences with Him - both good and bad. Many have had struggles in their walk with God, but they all understand how God saw them through it.
For some Jesus was a the great rescuer.
For others, He was the light in the darkness.
Others saw Him as the ladder of hope and escape from the darkness of the pit.
Others saw Jesus come to them on the water of life while they were experiencing their personal storms.
All of us needed Jesus to come into our lives and turn over the tables of dishonesty, pride and laziness to be or become the temple in which He could dwell.
Jesus means different things to different people though for all who would come to Him, he is Savior.
The event this weekend that has touched my heart is called Higher Ground. If your interested try
Learn about Jesus from others.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Thursday, February 03, 2005

Who is Jesus? #7 (Immanuel cont.)

A thinking person interested in spiritual things would say that having God among us would be great! Why wouldn't we want Him among us?? Unless....
Unless giving him total absolute Lordship in our lives is something we are trying to avoid.
Unless we are involved in sinful activities that we don't want Him to "see."
Unless we don't want to be confronted by the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Unless we don't want to be confronted with our own sinful lifestyle.
Unless we don't want to be challenged to greater levels of service and love for Him in our lives.
Unless we don't want to be seen in His company.
Unless we can't handle His expectations (which we can't on our own).
Unless we JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND who He is!
I wonder what was going through Simon's mind when he told Jesus "Go away..."(Luke 5:8)?
Not deserving to have Him among us is one thing. Not wanting Him among us is something else.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Who is Jesus? #6 (Immanuel cont.)

The idea of God being with us, even wanting to be with us, just blows me away. Why would He do that? After all, He's God and we' Why? Why? Why?
Is there anything He couldn't do, see or learn from His eternal dwelling place? Or to ask the question in reverse; was there something he could do, see or learn living among His people that He couldn't do from heaven?
I think the key word is "demonstrate." He certainly could love us, forgive us, nurture us, encourage us from heaven. But "God with us" could demonstrate all of that. He could model it! We could see it and, in turn, model it ourselves.
It is one thing to say I love you. It is quite another thing to show it.
Paul put it this way in Romans 5:8. "But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
Thank you, Immanuel.

Be Strong and Courageous,


Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Who is Jesus? #5 (Immanuel cont.)

God was frustrated! Immanuel asked, "How long shall I put up with you?" Here in Matthew 17:17, out of exasperation, "God with us" asks, "How long shall I stay with you?" His disciples' lack of faith had brought Him to this point. He was with them, but how long was He going to have to be with them like this? They were still unbelievers. When would they begin to believe and then act like believers?
I know there are times, many times, that I have made Immanuel ask the same question about me. O.K., Tittle, how long am I going to have to put with you and your weak, ineffective, stagnant faith? When are you going to live and act like a believer?
It is a good thing that He is "God with us!" Otherwise we would have no hope. In the situation above from scripture, though frustrated, He did not abandon them. He was still "God with them."
I have lived in such a way as to make my life ineffective for Him. I have tried to manipulate, and twist events to work out the way I wanted to. I have failed to pray, study, meditate, and serve. My belief was so weak. But, God remained with me. He stays with you, too, no matter how much you may disappoint Him and frustrate him. Amazing grace!
Those disciples of weak faith mentioned above became pillars of strength and faithfulness in the kingdom later on. So, there's hope for me. God with us!

Be Strong and Courageous,