Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Who is Jesus #18 (Bread Cont.)

Last night, my wife prepared a wonderful meal. We had roast made out of a pork tenderloin that she slow-cooked all day long with just the right blend of spices. It was so tender it just fell apart in my plate. Along side that was green beans. She has started roasting green beans in the oven. Again, toss on the right spices and stick them in a shallow pan in the oven for a few minutes and you have green beans like you have never had before. We also had a nice tossed salad. It was a great meal and it was Atkins friendly.
It wouldn't have made any sense for my wife to have prepared such a good meal, put it on the table in front of me and for me not to partake. All kinds of excuses come to mind. "The meal looks good, dear, but I am really too busy to eat it" "As good as it looks and smells, it is not really what I was expecting or anticipating, so I'm not going to eat it." "We had this same meal a couple of months ago, I remember how it was then, so I don't need to eat it tonight." Ridiculous!
How many times in my life do I push the "Bread of life" aside with similar excuses? God worked his miraculous will to bring "bread" to the table at just the right time in all it's/His wonder and splendor. It couldn't have been done any better. It's right there before me. I am too full of excuses which keep me from being full of Him. Thanks for the bread, Father, I will eat now.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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