Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Who is Jesus? #5 (Immanuel cont.)

God was frustrated! Immanuel asked, "How long shall I put up with you?" Here in Matthew 17:17, out of exasperation, "God with us" asks, "How long shall I stay with you?" His disciples' lack of faith had brought Him to this point. He was with them, but how long was He going to have to be with them like this? They were still unbelievers. When would they begin to believe and then act like believers?
I know there are times, many times, that I have made Immanuel ask the same question about me. O.K., Tittle, how long am I going to have to put with you and your weak, ineffective, stagnant faith? When are you going to live and act like a believer?
It is a good thing that He is "God with us!" Otherwise we would have no hope. In the situation above from scripture, though frustrated, He did not abandon them. He was still "God with them."
I have lived in such a way as to make my life ineffective for Him. I have tried to manipulate, and twist events to work out the way I wanted to. I have failed to pray, study, meditate, and serve. My belief was so weak. But, God remained with me. He stays with you, too, no matter how much you may disappoint Him and frustrate him. Amazing grace!
Those disciples of weak faith mentioned above became pillars of strength and faithfulness in the kingdom later on. So, there's hope for me. God with us!

Be Strong and Courageous,

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