Friday, February 11, 2005

Who is Jesus #12 (Bread cont.)

In the context of John 6, the Manna of the Old Testament was brought up. The people reminded Jesus (as if He needed reminding) that Moses (Jesus corrects them here - it was God) provided Manna (bread) for the Israelites in the wilderness.
What do we know about this manna?

1. The word manna means "what is it?"
2. It was provided for them every morning.
3. When the dew dried up the manna would appear.
4. When the sun came up the manna would melt away.
5. The Israelites were to gather only enough for that day's needs.
6. They were to gather two days worth on Friday in order to not work on the Sabbath.
7. Any unused extra that was gathered would spoil.
8. That that was held over from the sixth day to the sabbath did not spoil

The manna that God provided the Israelites was an example of His daily care for His people. Jesus claims that He is now the bread sent from heaven by God for the provision of His people. It seems that the Jews of His day didn't want to hear it. Why would they not want to take advantage of this blessing from God?
We will have to explore that further.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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