Thursday, February 24, 2005

Who is Jesus #20 (Bread Cont.)

A little rambling here - which is usual. The model prayer - the prayer Jesus gave the apostles when they asked him, "Lord, teach us to pray..."(Luke 11:2). What a simple yet powerful yet all inclusive prayer!
In the middle of this prayer is "give us our daily bread"(Luke 11:3). For some of the people Jesus was talking to, they probably didn't know where their bread for the next day was coming from. Jesus says to pray for daily bread - bread for the day at hand - bread for the moment - not tomorrow's bread, but today's bread and God will provide.
Now, add to that thought the fact that Jesus is the bread of life - the bread that came down from heaven. How about a daily dose of Jesus? Sometimes I look too far ahead even with the bread from heaven.
Jesus, I need you today and right now. I need you today in my life and I have faith that you will be there tomorrow.
Give me this day my daily bread. I don't know what tomorrow may bring but I need Jesus right the middle of my today -- and God has promised that He will be right there.
Thanks to my brothers in the Lord, Richard and Greg, for this thought. May God bless both of you, today, with His daily bread.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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