Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Who is Jesus #10 (Immanuel cont.)

"And they will call His name Immanuel which means 'God with us'" So, what does that mean to me personally?
1. God wanted to live and walk among His people as they went about their daily lives.
2. Everything that Jesus did and said in during His ministry was a demostration of the actions and speech of God.
3. God himself knows what it is that we are dealing with and struggling with each day because He himself has been there and done that.
4. WWJD (what would Jesus do?) beomes a little easier to handle because we saw God in action on this earth.
5. Gathering us, His people, under His wings was/is something God Himself wants to do.
6. It means that in my daily struggles, God is there to pick me up and carry me.
7. It means He is the bond that keeps me connected to fellow disciples.

What a blessing of blessings to have God with us. Thank you, Jesus.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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