Monday, February 21, 2005

Who is Jesus #17 (Bread Cont.)

Maybe this is oversimplification. The manna was there - provided by God - so, Israel, eat it! That's what it is there for. Don't talk about it. Don't just look at it. Don't analyze it. Just partake of what God has given to you. You didn't have to work for it. You don't deserve it. Just eat!
No doubt where this is going. I have the bread of life, too -- much better than what the Israelites were given. I sit around and talk about it/Him, analyze it/Him, discuss it/Him, read about it/Him, forget about it/Him, rationalize it/Him, and legalize it/Him. Some of that is O.K. but, God provided my bread of life for me to partake. It's past time! 'Jesus said to them, "I tell you the truth, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you,"'(John 6: 53). The bread is there - eat - indulge - partake - live! Would you join me, please?

Be Strong and Courageous,


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