Thursday, March 17, 2005

Who is Jesus #31 (Savior Cont.)

Maybe everything is in a name! It was that way for the Jews. Their names meant something. People were named because of a characteristic or a promise. Sometimes their names were changed when major events took place in their lives. The names of their cities and towns had significance. They were named according to the significance of events that took place there or to describe their location and appearance. Bethel was "house of God" (Gen. 28:19). Jacob was named "heel grabber" (Gen. 1:26). Things significant and noteworthy about people and places impacted what they would be called.
The Messiah's name we "Jesus." It is the Greek equivalent of the name "Joshua." Now, what's in a name? Both of those names mean "deliverer/savior" or "the Lord delivers/saves." It appears to me that somebody knew something.
He was called "Savior" before He did any "saving." Or, was/did He?

Be Strong and Courageous,
