Monday, March 07, 2005

Who is Jesus #24 (Bread Cont.)

She was probably doing what she thought needed to be done at the time -- and, it was a good thing. She was in the kitchen attending to a meal that would be served to the guests who had showed up at her door. She was probably making bread as a part of that meal.
However, she was frustrated that her sister was not helping her get ready to feed these people that showed up. Mary, the sister, was in the family room listening to what one of the guests was saying - hanging on every word. "Why wasn't Mary in the kitchen helping her," she wondered? "I would like to be out there visiting myself, but then the work wouldn't get done."
So, she confronts her sister in front of Jesus saying, "...tell her to help me."
Jesus' response says that it was better that Mary partake of the "bread of life" then help Martha prepare physical bread. This short episode is recorded in John 10:38-42.
There are so many things that I need to be dong that "sound" good. They sound like the right thing to be doing. But really, when it gets right down to it, they amount to busy work and a distraction from the truly important thing - listening to Jesus; taking in the bread of life.
It is so urgent that I do the things that are "far better!"

Be Strong and Courageous,


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