Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Who is Jesus #35 (Savior Cont.)

He will seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). This is the mission of Jesus. Not only is He a Savior but also a seeker. He found Zacchaeus - told him, "I'm going to your house today." Zacchaeus didn't even know he was in need of saving; that is, until confronted by Jesus.
What a salvation blessing - to know that Jesus is not only waiting to save me, but He is seeking me in order to save me. I am not sure what a stationary savior would be like, but I don't have to worry about that with Jesus. He is a seeking Savior.
Kind of a two way salvation highway then. I seek Jesus, He seeks me. If both those are in place, then there is no way I can miss.
Keep looking for me, Jesus. I am here somewhere and I know I need you in ways I haven't even thought about, yet.

Be Strong and Courageous,
