Thursday, March 10, 2005

Who is Jesus #27 (Bread Cont.)

It was well worth waiting for. The family sat around the table as mom brought the fresh piping hot homemade bread straight out of the oven. It had been especially prepared with them in mind.
Dad said, "Well, I don't know about this. The shape of the loaf is not all that even. We all know how the loaves of bread look at the store. This doesn't look like the bread I am used to."
The son said, "I think we really need to look into the recipe mom used for this bread. How do we know that she really knows how to make bread? We shouldn't eat until we are sure what this bread has to offer."
The daughter said, " Bread is supposed to be soft, but this bread has a hard crust on the outside. How do I know that it is not like that on the inside? If it were like that, it would be one very disappointing experience."
As the family talked about and discussed the bread, it was eventually removed from the table by the one who prepared it especially for them.
In John 6, people were doing entirely too much talking about the Bread of Life and completely forgetting or unwilling to partake of what had been prepared especially for them.
Lord, Bread of Life, please help me do less talking and a lot more eating!

Be Strong and Courageous,


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