Friday, September 30, 2005

Who is Jesus? #75 (No one like Him)

Just returned from the Harding Lectures in Searcy, AR. I believe that this was the best lectureship I have ever attended. The theme was "Tell Me the Story of Jesus!" That got me to thinking, no one has a story like Jesus!
His biography is pretty short - all things considered. We know almost nothing about His early life. The gospel accounts of Jesus focus on the last three years of His life.
But look at what they do say! He was born like no one else. He had a mission like no one else. He loved like no on else. He lived like no one else. He struggled like no one else. He died like no on else. He was raised like no one else. Though these aren't the titles of the keynote lectures, they are the essence of them.
It all came into focus at the end of three powerful days.
Tell me the story of Jesus! Write on my heart every word. Tell me the story most precious. sweetest that ever was heard.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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