Thursday, September 01, 2005

Who is Jesus? #68 (No one like Him)

No one ever showed compassion for people like Jesus. The woman caught in adultery was a "dead duck" save for the compassion of Jesus. Only he could convict her of sin and still exude compassion for her.
He cried passionately over the city of Jerusalem because she had been given all the chances in the world to connect with God and didn't do it. Her rejection of Him didn't cause anger, but grief. They were sheep without a shepherd, not because there was no shepherd available, but because they had said "no" to the Great Shepherd.
His heart goes out to those at the tomb of Lazarus. They didn't understand His capabilities or His power. He wept because of that.
We get bent all out of shape with righteous indignation, even anger: completely skipping the compassion necessary to meet people where they are. Therefore we do not know how to help, how to comfort, how to instruct how to show people how to let God change their heart.
Compassion, I pray that Jesus looks down on me with compassion.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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