Monday, May 23, 2005

Who is Jesus? #60 (Forgiver Cont.)

I wonder if the paralytic man knew he was in need of forgiveness?? Did he really have any idea of what was about to happen to him? Does what Jesus did even make sense?
I come to Jesus when I need help - when I am looking for encouragement, when I am needing to be strengthened. Maybe what I really need is forgiveness.
Could it be that my helplessness, discouragement and weakness have entered my life because I have given into sin? I have let Satan have the smallest of footholds and he has taken the greatest advantage of that "lapse."
What the paralytic thought he needed from Jesus was really secondary. Primarily he needed forgiveness.
When it comes right down to it, my spiritual health will get me a lot further than my physical health.
Please forgive!

Be Strong and Courageous,


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