Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Who is Jesus #106 (From the Apocalypse)

"His voice was like the sound of rushing waters" (Revelation 1:15b)

It seems like John changed metaphors here. In verse 10 he says the voice "like a trumpet." Now it is like the sound of powerful rushing water.

It was the trumpet voice that got Johns attention. It was the powerful rushing water voice that spoke with power and authority.

Sometimes before we can "hear" what Jesus has to say, He has to get our attention. He doesn't want us to miss what He has to say.

I wonder how many times and in how many ways has Jesus tried to get my attention in this life before He tried to communicate to me? I wonder how many times I still have not paid attention?

Out brothers and sisters in the first century were about to receive a Life and death message from Jesus. They needed to sit up and pay attention.

The words of Jesus are powerful. They only way that power is limited is if we are not listening. Of course, someone somewhere will listen. They have learned to stay focused on Jesus and let the power of His voice change their lives.

I pray that I am one of them.



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