Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Who is Jesus #101 (from the Apocalypse)

"His eyes were like blazing fire." (Revelation 1:14).

Do you know what it feels like to be talking to someone who can see right through you? It sure makes you feel vulnerable. All of a sudden all of your defenses that you have built up come tumbling down. You are seen for who you truly are.

These penetrating eyes of Jesus are that way. They see right through us. He sees us for who we truly are. There are no masks that I can wear, no barriers I can erect, no place I can hide that will keep Jesus from looking deeply into my heart and seeing me the way I am.
That shouldn't frighten me. Because I know that Jesus sees the things in me that I need to change in order to grow closer to Him every day.
There were certainly those in Jesus day who had to come to grips with how they truly were. Some decided to change and some didn't.
I am reminded about Jesus interaction with Nathaniel in John 1:43-50. Not only did Jesus see Nathaniel concerning where he was physically (standing under the fig tree back home) but he also saw where he was morally (a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false). Once confronted with the fact that Jesus vision was 100% perfect, Nathaniel couldn't help but confess that Jesus was the Son of God.
If we are not afraid to let Jesus have a deep look into our inner self, then we will confess with our entire being HE IS THE SON OF GOD!

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