Monday, May 07, 2007

Who is Jesus #105 (from the Apocalypse)

"His voice was like the sound of rushing waters" (Revelation 1: 15b).

When ?? talks, people listen. I remember that old E.F. Hutton commercial. In this case, it is Jesus who is talking and you/we had better pay attention.

Three boys were bragging to one another about their fathers. One of them said, “My father is a professor. When he is talking about nuclear physics, there are only fifty other people in the world who can understand him.

”The second boy said, “My father is a world class brain surgeon. When he is talking about his surgery there are only 20 other people in the whole world who can understand him.”The third boy said,

“That’s nothing. My dad is a preacher. When he is preaching, nobody seems to understand him.”

Well it is one thing to not listen to a mere man. It is quite something else to not listen to the Son of God.

Imagine trying to make yourself heard above the thundering sound of Niagara Falls. When Jesus has something to say, He will be heard!
The question is not, "Is He talking?" The question is, "Am I listening?"
"Speak, Lord, your servant is listening"