Friday, August 17, 2012

Who is Jesus? #169

Someone Who Has Faith in Me

We can’t escape the teaching from Scripture that indicates how important our faith in God and Jesus is. “Without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). So, let’s grow our faith.

But it appears to me that something else we have going for us is Jesus’ faith in us. He left the establishment and teaching of the early church in the hands of his apostles who had bungled things a time or two while following Jesus in His ministry (that gives me some hope as a fellow bungler).

Jesus tells Peter to feed the sheep (John 21). He has confidence that Peter will do just that – and he does.

Jesus has faith that He will have future believers who did not have personal contact with Him during His ministry, but believe anyway (John 20:29). I’m one of those, and you are too if you have accepted Him.

Jesus has faith in me that I will obey Him more and more each day out of love rather than duty.

Jesus has faith in me that I will share His Gospel story with others.

Jesus has faith in me that I will consider everyone better than myself.

Jesus has faith in me that I will, as a preacher, be faithful to the Word of God no matter what.

Jesus has faith in me that I will encourage the one-anotherness (made up that word) of  His Kingdom.

Jesus has faith in me that I will be guided by the Spirit that has been given to me.

Jesus has faith in me that I will let His light shine.

Jesus has faith in me that I will be the husband/father/grand father that He has made me to be.

Yes, as a follower of Jesus, I have faith in Him, and He has faith in me. He hasn't disappointed me, and I hope I haven't given Him too much opportunity to question His faith in me. I know there have been those times.

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