Thursday, July 01, 2010

Who is Jesus? #136

I guess if I don't know where I am going, then I will need someone who can tell me or show me the way. Since we are still talking about ships, that person would be the navigator. If the vessel is going to be true to her course and arrive at the desired destination, the navigator had better be accurate at his job. The navigator has maps, compasses, the stars, etc. at his disposal to chart an accurate course. He also will have to, from time to time, chart a diversion to go around a storm or other traffic on the high seas. Whatever it takes, let's just get there.

Before the days of the GPS there have been times I needed a navigator with accurate maps and directions. Speaking of GPS, my current GPS (won't mention the brand) does not know where I live. If I put in my address, it will say I have arrived a good two blocks short of my house. There's probably a good application here.

If Jesus is the navigator of the ship of our lives, then we are in great hands. There is no doubt about the destination and how to get there. "I am the way..." He says. But there is more to this than just Him knowing the way. This navigator has arrived. He is where we all want to be. I am not sure how many navigators out there have already been to the place where they are pointing the vessel.

There is more. Jesus not only knows the way, and has arrived, He has traveled the same road. He has been tempted just like we are (Hebrews 4:15). He had people along the way who told Him he didn't need to go there.

If you have lost direction in life may I strongly affirm this Navigator. He will not steer you wrong! Beyond anything that has already been said about His skills as a Navigator, He cares about your journey! He knows! He's experienced! He's aware of all the pitfalls! He will issue you course corrections if you have drifted off course. He's up ahead saying "Follow me." The fullness of Him who "fills everything in every way."

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