Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Who is Jesus? #93 (From the Apocalypse)

Actually, I've rambled pretty far afield from the book of Revelation. This all started with the image of Jesus that John saw in Revelation 1. The "floor-length robe" part of the image is a reminder of His priesthood - His High Priesthood, at that.
So my thoughts have been many and varied on the subject of priests.
There had not been a priest in Israel in a very long time (II Chronicles 15:3). Actually there had been many priests because Jeroboam let just about anyone be a priest (I Kings 13:33). Beyond that, he would make anyone a priest who would do and say what he wanted. "He appointed priests from all sorts of people," (I Kings 12:28). His intent according to the immediate context was to make sure his people were not lured back to the southern kingdom, Judah, where Jerusalem, the temple and the priests were. He needed to have his own high places and his own priests that would serve his people, and that is exactly what he put together.
The Bible says in I Kings 13:34, "This was the sin of the house of Jeroboam that led to its downfall and to its destruction from the face of the earth."
If you have the wrong priests, serving in the wrong place offering the wrong sacrifices for a rebellious people, NOTHING RIGHT will come of it. The northern kingdom, Israel, was obliterated because of it.
Our need for a priest has not gone away. We just need the right one. We need the right priest in the right place at the right time offering the right sacrifices for a still sometimes rebellious people. God saw to this real need through His son, Jesus; our High Priest. He is right one. He is in the right place and he offered the right sacrifice. It is up to us if things are to come out right.
I need Jesus to continually goes to the Father in my behalf.

Be Strong and Courageous,


P.S. Be it known that my granddaughter took her first steps on Sunday, January 8, 2005.

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