Thursday, January 05, 2006

Who is Jesus? #91 (From the Apocalypse)

I guess at some point, I have got to move on - but the idea of the High Priesthood of Jesus is just too powerful to leave behind. I know I haven't said enough or thought enough about this ministry of Jesus. If I am attempting to answer the question "Who is Jesus?" then this is certainly a big part of the answer - an essential part.
I was reading in Matthew about Caiaphas, the High Priest, "investigating" Jesus and the charges against Him prior to His crucifixion(Matt 26:3ff). I know Caiaphas had no idea that he was standing before the real and ultimate High priest - or at least the one who would shortly be a High Priest as well as sacrifice.
I know he didn't think about how diminished his priesthood would become when the High Priesthood of Jesus kicked in.
I know he was unaware of how ineffective and unnecessary his priesthood would shortly become when the High Priesthood of Jesus became active.
I know he was not cognizant of the fact that he was participating in the death, necessary death, of the new High Priest and His new preisthood. I am confident that the High Priest ,Caiaphas, would not have been willing to die for the people he presided over and for. Of course, His death would have accomplished nothing concerning the salvation of mankind and mankind's relationship with God.
So, here is the scene. One High Priest interrogating another - One High Priest pretty much not repsonding to the questions of the other. One High Priest about to the effect the entire world - One High Priest responsible for putting heavy burdens on people - even things he, himself, was not willing to do. One High Priest looking to heaven where His strength came from - One High priest looking inside himself. One High Priest upholding his religious traditions - One High Priest standing on the word and will of the Father.
Whose High Priesthood do I want/need?
Give me Jesus! (sounds like another song coming on)

Be Strong and Courageous,


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