Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Who is Jesus #14 (Bread cont.)

Manna - every day - like clockwork. Exodus 16 records the promise and the regulations regarding the manna. Every morning it would be there. On the sixth day, enough could be gathered for both the sixth and seventh days so the nation of Israel would not have to gather any on the Sabbath and keep that day holy before the Lord.
There was no need in gathering too much because the excess would spoil. Beyond that, they didn't need to gather more than they needed for the day. What they needed was to have faith that tomorrow's provision of manna would be there just as God promised. God didn't need any help here. He was the provider -- daily provider. The daily bread was always there and what God provided was enough.
I hope I don't miss the application here. Jesus is my daily bread -- provided by God. He is there every day in every way in every situation. This is the promise.
I don't have to (and I can't) make it on my own. I can go to Him and He is there. God said so and I can rely on that. That will be enough.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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