Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Who is Jesus #13 (Bread cont.)

Recovering from the flu or a flu-like virus today. Still a little droopy but I think I will live.
The Jewish people couldn't imagine a day without bread. It was a staple. It was part of every meal. When Jesus did His "multiply the food" miracle he used the lunch of a little boy consisting of fish and bread. They couldn't imagine a day without bread. It wouldn't be a normal day without bread. It wouldn't be a good day without bread.
I wonder if we feel the same way about our "bread of life." It is just not a normal day without it/Him. I don't want a day without Him. It would not be a good day without Him. I have come to depend on that daily bread. It gives me spiritual sustenance for the day.
How about you? There's plenty to go around! Help yourself!

Be Strong and Courageous,


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