Monday, November 28, 2005

Who is Jesus? #87 (From the Apocalypse)

I do not believe we have said enough until we give Jesus, his rightful priestly title. For He is not just priest, but He is High Priest. There is no doubt that scripture teaches us that all Christians are priests (I Peter 2:9). We have both a blessing and responsibility to go to God in behalf of people...the fundamental duty of a priest.
But Jesus, He is High Priest. I remember some of those High Priests from history. The first one was Aaron. When it came to affairs and rituals of the temple, he was boss. It was up to him to see that things were carried out according to God's law. He was followed by Eleazar. Then there was Eli, don't know what kind of High Priest he was, but apparently he wasn't a good father (I Samuel 2:12). Jesus was put to death under the high priesthood of Caiaphas.
Our High Priest, Jesus, is so different from these in the Levitical priesthood. The Hebrews writer tell us that Jesus is "a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek" (7:17). Puzzling?? Why would he not compare Jesus' High Priesthood to that of Aaron's. The one who was High Priest over God's people. All High Priests had to be of Aaron lineage. It was the first qualification. Jesus was not from that tribe of Israel. He was of the tribe of Judah.
What was different about His priesthood? I will need more time for this exploration.

Be Strong and Courageous,
