Monday, September 19, 2005

Who is Jesus? #73 (No one like Him)

There has never been, nor will there ever be anyone who taught like Jesus taught! NO ONE!
Let's see - He made the religious scholars scratch their heads (questions about John the Baptist) and ultimately made them mad enough to kill him ("Woe to you scribes, hypocrites, den of snakes..."). He continually confused His disciples not because of what He said, but, from their perspective, what He wasn't saying.
There is a verse that I have always found interesting. Matthew 7:28-29, "When Jesus finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at His teaching, because He taught as one who had authority and NOT AS THEIR TEACHERS OF THE LAW! It is as if they knew that the teachings of their "scholars" were powerless, but that was all they had. It was a bunch of words with no dynamite behind it.
Jesus comes on the scene and they recognize in what He said and the way He said it that He was speaking in behalf of an authority above Himself. They had never heard anything like it and neither have I.
I have sat at the feet of some great teachers, but not one of them gave their life for me. Could it be that His teachings were more than just teachings, but they were a description of His life - right down to the ultimate point of SACRIFICE?
Lord, you are the master teacher, Rabbi; now, please help me to be the master student.

Be Strong and Courageous,


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